EPS thermal materials are light and easily treatable, they don’t lose heat insulating properties in time and they also do not deform.
The abbreviation EPS comes from the words expanded polystyrene. EPS has a variety of good properties, such as thermal conductivity, load tolerance, shear and transverse rupture strength, humidity resistance, air and steam transmittance, proportion stability and fire resistance.
Why is EPS used?
• Good heat insulator
• Has a big mechanic load tolerance
• Hydrophobic and humidity resistant
• Light and clean product
• Dust-free
• Does not create a good environment to micro-organisms and plants
• Easy to process and deploy
• Chemically durable to acids and alkalines
• Bad conductor
• Is not a danger to your health or environment.
Where is EPS used?
• Different framework constructions
• Roofs and roof ceilings
• Insulating outer walls
• Insulating floors