Höövelpruss PHL 45x145x3600mm tugevussort C24
Product code: 101314
- The actual availability is shown and might change on an ongoing basis.
Sale and discount items are available only in the department that has the actual stock of the item. Delivery of these products to other departments are carried out for an additional fee. - Mustamäe 968.4 rmt
- Männiku 284.4 rmt
- Rakvere 396 rmt
- Pärnu 640.8 rmt
- Tartu 651.6 rmt
- Supplier’s stock 1811.2 rmt

By placing the products in the order, we will make you a price offer.
Puumarket offers its customers the opportunity to pay for purchases:
Product samples are located in the following departments: Männiku, Mustamäe, Pärnu, Rakvere, Tartu
- Availability in the department
- Mustamäe, Männiku, Pärnu, Rakvere, Tartu, Warehouse
- Profile
- Dimensions (TK)
- 45 × 145 × 3600 mm
- Strength graded timber C24
- Yes
- Material
- Spruce
- Treatment
- Finely planed
- Quality
- AB
- Kandvates konstruktsioonides tuleb kasutada tugevuse järgi sorteeritud materjali.
- Visuaalsel tugevussorteerimisel hinnatakse igas prussis eraldi okste arvu, nende paiknemist ja rikete esinemist ning selle alusel määratakse prussi tugevusklass.
- Kõige olulisem on mõõdutäpsus, ent kuivõrd puit on hügroskoopne materjal, võib esineda tangensiaalset mahumuutust. St puit püüab ühtlustada oma niiskust ümbritseva õhu suhtelise niiskuse ja temperatuuriga. Kui niiskusolud muutuvad, tõmbub puit kas kokku või paisub. Kuusk imab vähem niiskust kui mänd ning seetõttu on kuuse niiskusest tingitud mahumuutused väiksemad.
- Markeeringus C24 tähendab C okaspuitu ning 24 näitab saematerjali normatiivset paindetugevust, N/mm2.
The actual availability is shown and might change on an ongoing basis.
Sale and discount items are available only in the department that has the actual stock of the item. Delivery of these products to other departments are carried out for an additional fee.
- Mustamäe
- 968.4 rmt
- Männiku
- 284.4 rmt
- Rakvere
- 396 rmt
- Pärnu
- 640.8 rmt
- Tartu
- 651.6 rmt
- Supplier’s stock
- 1811.2 rmt
- Delivery terms
- 2-5 working days
You do not have to pay for the order immediately. After placing the order the Puumarket customer manager will contact you and make you a price offer with delivery times and, if necessary, transport information.
When placing an order online it is possible to pay for your purchase in advance on the basis of an invoice. Payment information will be sent to you with a quote.
In addition, it is possible to pay in the sales department with a payment card or in cash.
Look for further information

Puumarket wants to make ordering and delivering your goods as convenient as possible and offer the widest possible selection of transport services:
- a courier service for the delivery
- lifting for heavy and heavy goods (such as stones, blocks, timber)
- in addition, it is possible to rent a trailer